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  • 联系人:黄经理
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您当前的位置:首页 » 新闻中心 » 南京邦诺生产出口【右旋糖酐】厂家、价格17327094661
发布时间:2016-08-29 17:18        浏览次数:17        返回列表
1.右旋糖酐,葡聚糖,葡聚精,右旋糖酐40,红细胞生成素( EPO),右旋糖苷厂家、价格、行情
2.右旋糖酐 同类其他产品:右旋糖酐20 / 右旋糖酐40/ 右旋糖酐70
3.产品属性 增加血浆容量,维持血压
4.产品分类 血容量扩充药物
英文名称: Dextran     
中文别名:右旋糖酐;葡聚糖;葡聚精;右旋糖酐40;红细胞生成素( EPO);右旋糖苷;葡聚糖生物化学品,葡聚糖标准 5000;右旋糖苷、葡聚糖;葡聚糖-10;葡聚糖-20;葡聚糖-40;葡聚糖-70;葡聚糖T-500;
CAS NO  :9004-54-0    
分 子 式:[C6H10O5]n
性    状:本品应为白色粉末、无臭无味。  
比 旋 度:+190°-+200°
鉴别检查: 应呈正反应   
氯 化 物:应不得过0.25% 
氮:       应不得过0.007% 
灼烧残渣: 应不得过0.5% 
干燥失重: 应不得过5.0% 
重 金 属: 应不得过百万分之八 
重均分子量: 10%大分子部      应为32000-42000
重均分子量: 10%大分子部分     应不得大于120000
重分子量  : 10%小分子部分重分子量  应不得小于5000 
包    装  :双层薄膜袋外加25KG纸板桶。 
咨询热线: 黄小姐17327094661  价格在线QQ:2355779400 
Dextran 40 manufacturers, price | CAS # 9004-54-0
1. dextran, dextran, dextran fine, dextran 40, erythropoietin (EPO), dextran manufacturers, prices, quotes
2. dextran Other Products: Dextran 20/40 dextran / dextran 70
3. Product properties increased plasma volume, maintain blood pressure
4. Categories of volume expansion of drug
5. molecular dextran mainly used to increase plasma volume, maintain blood pressure, anti-shock. Apply to a supplemental massive blood loss of blood volume, maintain blood pressure. Such as burns, trauma, bleeding and trauma of the body due to excessive bleeding caused by gram emergency.
6. dextran is mainly microcirculation, for the prevention or elimination of intravascular erythrocyte aggregation and thrombosis.
7. The role and use of small molecules with low molecular weight dextran dextran machine like.
English name: Dextran
Chinese alias: dextran; dextran; dextran fine; dextran 40; erythropoietin (EPO); dextran; dextran biochemicals, dextran standard 5000; dextran, dextran; dextran sugar -10; -20 glucan; glucan -40; -70 dextran; dextran T-500;
CAS NO: 9004-54-0
Molecular formula: [C6H10O5] n
Properties: The product should be white powder, odorless and tasteless.
Specific rotation: + 190 ° - + 200 °
Identification check: shall positive reaction
Chloride: should be not more than 0.25%
Nitrogen: should not more than 0.007%
Residue on ignition: it should not exceed 0.5%
Loss on drying: should not more than 5.0%
Heavy metals: Should not more than eight millionths
Weight average molecular weight: 10% of the macromolecular portion should 32000-42000
Weight average molecular weight: 10% macromolecules section should not be greater than 120 000
Molecular weight: 10% of small molecular weight portion of the molecular weight should not be less than 5000
Packing: 25KG cardboard drum plus a two-layer film bags.